Voila, Norwich, CT

March 28, 2017

I was surprised to find that some of these Norwich State Hospital properties are now owned by a neighbor, Mark, who introduced himself on my return visit there. He did give me permission to wander around (though a bit grudgingly), with the caveat: ” If you need me to call Rescue or the police, I will, but will tell them I don’t know you and that you were trespassing..” Fair enough.

He told me that the House of Lords, a rock band associated with Gene Simmons, recently made their music video “Harlequin” on the grounds, and hinted at something paranormal captured in the video. A couple of tradesmen who had joined us concurred. Check out the video here, with the “paranormal” bit circa 3:22, in the shaft of light at the back of the room.

Not intending to have the backstory take away from the photo itself, which very much stands on its own for me.

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