Corn, Lancaster County, PA

September 20, 2013

amish corn -5609

One morning at breakfast in our B&B in Lancaster County, we sat opposite a wonderful couple from Bethlehem PA. Hearing we were from New England, the man asked what had brought us to the area. I thought for a second or two on how best to answer (rural area? farms and fields? the Amish?), then simply said “corn”. It was like hitting the jackpot. He instantly understood, and then we were off – riffing animatedly on our appreciation of corn fields – for altogether too long a time, I suppose, given the social situation (but such is the beauty of both long term relationships and bed and breakfasts). What he loved most about corn was the music of the wind through the stalks – that soft rustling sound – equal parts melodic and percussive. Later in the day, out in the countryside, I repeatedly took the time to listen to the wind, and that sound.

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